Goodbye 2014! Hello 2015!

For Bohra Developers, 2014 was a year of substantiating relationships and forging new ones; of learning and executing! And of realizing our potential.  

The year began with the launch of a diamond eCommerce site from USA and, Marketing & Advertising Research Services in Pakistan for Qualitative, Quantitative, Statistical R & A & D. This was followed by the unveiling of a leather goods site:, and a one-Stop Solution for Mobility Hardware, Information Security & Corporate Trainings.

BD also launched Dr Altamash’s clinic website -; an Arabic scholar’s web portal  and a UK Property Consultant’s site, A world of glass and class came to Bohra Developers as 2 glass gurus - one in Nairobi, and another in Karachi,  - booked BD simultaneously for web design. 

But the showstopper was launching Deepak Perwani’s e-commerce site which took the fashion world by storm. Amir Adnan came to us on DP’s valued recommendation towards the end of the year and BD’s joy knew no bounds!

Zeenat Creations known for its growing popularity of leather goods, and an Australian firm also hopped aboard the e-commerce bandwagon while e shopping on, and continued to climb. In fact ccshirts went onto e-tailoring whereby you can design your own shirt online!

BD continued to develop the art magazine and also took up a new venture to design, develop and launch a fortnightly e-magazine, Engineering Review.

Tasty treats came to BD in the form of a project for Al Hajj Bundoo Khan, the barbeque experts and ready to deliver sumptuous cakes to your doorstep in Karachi.

AltamashDental Clinic, Terry-Tex Textiles, Eastern Textiles and a hair transplant client chose BD for SEO when they saw the creative writing, original content, link building, catchy photos and dense keywords which BD brought to clients like Hazari, Cotton & Cotton and Deepak Perwani.

2014 was also a year for giving a fresh new face to old clients like our very dear , the UK based, the Mumbai-based  and Al-Khair, which became Al Hibah -

Bohra Developers looks back at 2014 with gratitude and eagerly anticipates 2015 so that the BDteam can scale even more challenging peaks, experience the learning curve and revel in many more triumphs.

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